

Core: 神经科学显微镜核心
Core Director: Arvydas Matiukas博士
Phone: 315 464-7997
Location: 3607 IHP/NRB
Email: [email protected]

This core facility enables neuroscientists to visualize the structure of individual neurons and their activity in the living organism and has potential applications in many other research areas (such as microbiology, molecular biology, ophthalmology, etc.),用于研究三维结构和过程动力学.

Core提供仪器对固定样品和活细胞进行成像. The hardware and software allow different imaging modes ranging from single slice to multicolor 3D time series, 和大面积的瓷砖. Available environmental chamber provides optimal conditions for long term experiments on live cells.

项目咨询/合作, training, and technical assistance are available from Core Director (a Zeiss certified microscopy specialist). All users must receive training (separate for each microscope) before operating the equipment. Trained and proficiency certified users may operate the Core equipment without supervision.


Zeiss LSM 780 confocal 预约日历
LSM780是带有4个激光器的倒置显微镜, 3 detectors, 环境室, 汞和卤素光源. 显微镜有6种激发色能力, and 3 independent fluorescence imaging channels including one spectral, 和一个传播PMT. The system is configurable for simultaneous and/or sequential multicolor acquisition.


带STED的徕卡SP8 预约日历 


Leica's SP8 confocal system with five spectral detector channels: two PMTs and three HyDs and HyVolution software that combines super-sensitive HyD detection with SVI Huygens deconvolution, allowing lateral resolution down to 140 nm compared with 200-250 nm for standard confocal microscopy. Excitation is provided by 405nm laser and White Light Laser (470-670nm continuous spectrum, 最多可合并8行).

3X nanoscopy is a super-resolution technique that overcomes diffraction limited resolution. 有多个波长为592 nm的STED激光线, 660nm和脉冲激光在775nm, STED可以达到30纳米以下的分辨率.

DLS microscopy is a fluorescence technique that uses a plane of light for 3-D imaging that is useful for large samples such as embryos, 敏感的样品, 或者体内快速的生物过程. It provides good optical sectioning capabilities and high speed with low levels of photobleaching.


反褶积的工作站 用惠更斯软件
Huygens software restores 2D and 3D microscopy images or time series for visualization. 恢复是基于不同的反卷积算法, that permit the recovery of original objects/structures from their confocal images that were degraded by blurring and noise. Deconvolution significantly increases image contrast and improves resolution (about 2x in Z and about 1.5x in XY).


Facility Rules

如果你没有在日历上安排的时间出现, 您将按预定的时间收费 

Removal (cancellation) or modification of time scheduled on the calendar must be done at least 24 hr before the time you were scheduled for 否则,您将按原计划的时间付费.


  • 新用户下载并完成 Enrollment Form发邮件给Arvydas.
  • 员工协调和安排培训日期和时间.
  • 根据需要安排更多的培训课程以完成培训.
  • The new user is granted status and access corresponding to their training.
  • Always remember to acknowledge the use of Core microscopes and/or staff assistance to generate images/data in your publications.



  • All users must be trained before they are allowed to use the microscopes. After training, an account will be set up for reserving time and using the microscope.
  • All users must sign up on the online calendar to reserve time before use of the microscopes, 并在纸质日志中记录实际使用情况.
  • Users must clean the microscope objectives they used and dispose of garbage when finish. If you bring any live specimens or potentially harmful samples, please dispose of them in your lab.
  • Please check the online booking calendar at the end of your session to facilitate last minute changes and scheduling updates. Leave the system on if someone is reserved next within two hours; keep the lasers in standby whenever possible to prolong their life.
  • The last user of the evening is responsible for shutting down the microscope system.
  • 你要对你的数据负责. 系统计算机用于临时图像存储. Please save your data on the data hard drive of the computer and transfer your image data as soon as possible after acquisition. Image files left on the computer hard drives will be subject to periodic removal.
  • Users are required to report any problems or damages during usage of the microscope.
  • 显微镜室不允许携带食物或饮料.


  • 计费时间是根据你的电脑下线计算的. 记得注销以结束计费会话.
  • 所有用户必须在每台显微镜的纸质日志上记录系统使用情况.
  • 最低收费时间为1小时 
  • Each imaging session will be billed by the larger of either the time reserved or hours used in 1 hr increments (i.e.(所有时间四舍五入到一小时)
  • After the first 6 hours of training you will be charged for both training and laser usage
  • Technical support is billed in 1 min increments and added to the cost/hr for the laser usage
  • 激光使用成本有季度上限. 其他费用(培训), technical support etc) are billed in addition to laser use and are not discounted.
  • 如果你没有在日历上安排的时间出现, 您将按预定的时间收费 (this is not considered laser use and is not included in the quarterly discount).

Removal (cancellation) or modification of time scheduled on the calendar must be done at least 24 hr before the time you were scheduled for 否则,您将按原计划的时间付费. (Note the calendar keeps electronic record of all entries and modifications).


  • 所有预定都以1小时为单位
  • 预约有限:
    • starting Friday of each week ONLY TIME FOR THE NEXT WEEK may be booked
    • there is a limit of 5 hrs/weekday/lab booking that should fit into either 8am-1pm or 1-6pm window (in 1 hr blocks)
  • 如果有时间的话, 你可以在下午报名,以获得额外的时间, 只适用于第二天(以1小时为单位).
  • 周末和非工作时间的预留时间不受时间限制, 但你只能报名参加下一周的活动(从周五开始).
  • If you finish early contact the next user before turning off the laser.
  • 徕卡专用 -在日历上注册时,指定您将使用的模式. 如果您需要具体目标,请与核心总监([email protected]).




New user Enrollment Form


More Information

纽约州立大学上州医科大学和徕卡微系统公司. have combined efforts to establish the Leica Microsystems Center of Excellence at SUNY Upstate. The Center supports a mission to drive new discoveries and insights from scientific research performed using state-of-the-art imaging systems.
