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SUNY issued face masks are MANDATORY for those not fully vaccinated or visitors to the core.

Suggested PPE:
  • Lab Coat (disposable or SUNY issued cloth)
  • Eye Protection (Safety glasses in lieu of prescription eyewear)
  • Gloves

Flow Cytometry

Flow Cytometry, Research
Weiskotten Hall
Rm. 2321
766 Irving Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13210
Google Maps & Directions
Phone: 315 464-7691
Name: Lisa Phelps, Flow Core Operator
Email: Phelpsl@healthydairyland.com

Flow Core Fee Schedule

Effective 1 February 2024

Cell Analyzers:
BD LSRII: $70/hour (unassisted),
          $140/hour (assisted)
BD Fortessa: $70/hour (unassisted),
          $140/hour (assisted)
ThermoFisher Attune: $85/hour (unassisted),
          $170/hour (assisted)
Cytek Aurora: $85/hour (unassisted),
          $170/hour (assisted)

Cell Sorter:
          Start-up fee: $75/sort
          Sort fee: $110/hour (1 hour minimum charge)
          All sorts are assisted: contact Lisa Phelps (4-7691)

Users outside SUNY: A 20% surcharge will apply to total usage/month.

Users will be billed monthly for total usage.

The SUNY Upstate Medical University Research Flow Core is available to all researchers at SUNY and surrounding institutions. We offer four flow cytometers and training for all researchers in the fundamentals of flow cytometry. A full-time flow core operator is available for assistance and guidance during normal business hours. The flow core operator is responsible the maintenance and calibration of the instruments.

Flow CytometryWe have three cell analyzers in our facility. Samples analyzed on the BD LSRII, BD LSRFortessa, or Cytek Aurora cannot be reclaimed. Our goal is to provide each user with the skills to operate the cell analyzers independently. All users are trained prior to using the instruments. Training covers the fundamentals of flow cytometry theory, start-up and shut-down procedures, file acquisition, and trouble-shooting of common operator issues. After the initial training, users are shadowed until their proficiency is demonstrated. They may then use the instruments independently. The laser configuration of the 3 instruments varies. The LSRII has UV (355nm), Blue (488nm), Yellow Green (561nm) and Red (640nm) lasers capable of analyzing experiments with up to 13 colors. The LSRFortessa has Violet (405nm), Blue (488nm), and Red (640nm) lasers capable of analyzing experiments with up to 16 colors. The Aurora has UV (355nm), Violet (405nm), Blue (488nm), Yellow Green (561nm) and Red (640nm) lasers capable of analyzing experiments with up to 35 colors. See the links below for instrument-specific configurations.

The flow core also has a BD FACSAriaIII cell sorter. Subpopulations of cells sorted on the AriaIII can be collected into 12x75 mm or 15ml tubes, plates (6 well to 384 well), or slides. The FACSAriaIII has Violet (405nm), Blue (488nm), Yellow Green (561nm), and Red (640nm) lasers capable or sorting experiments with up to 14 colors. See the link below for the FACSAriaIII laser configuration. The instrument has a BioBubble enclosure installed to allow sorting of BL-2 materials. The Flow Core Operator is the sole operator of the sorter.

Laser Configurations


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